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Coconino County Court is comprised of the following five courts: Coconino Superior Court, Justice Courts, Municipal Courts, Juvenile Court, and Drug Court . The courts are active partners with local government, Indian Nations and tribes, the bar, police and corrections, social service providers, educational institutions, youth and family programs, minority communities, and the community-at-large in the delivery of innovative justice-related programs. Comprehensive education and outreach programs ensure that people understand the justice system and know how to use it.

The Justice of the Peace Courts handle certain civil and criminal cases and traffic cases. They handle domestic violence and harassment cases. They also issue search warrants. Justice courts hear landlord/tenant disputes under a dollar amount of $10,000. Justice of the Peace Courts also hear small claims cases under $2,500

The Municipal Court judges hear misdemeanor criminal traffic cases such as hit-and-run and reckless driving where no serious injuries occur and driving under the influence of alcohol. They hear civil traffic cases, violation of city ordinances and codes, and issue orders of protection and injunctions prohibiting harassment. They also issue search warrants and handle domestic violence and harassment cases.

Contact information:

Superior Court
200 N. San Francisco St .
Flagstaff , AZ 86001
Phone 1: Phone Division I: (928) 779-6861
Phone 2: Phone Division II: (928) 779-6598
Phone 3: Phone Division III: (928) 779-6801
Phone 4: Phone Division IV: (928) 779-6784
Phone 5: Phone Division V: (928) 779-6546
Phone 6: Drug Court : (928) 226-6057

Probation and Detention Main Office
1001 East Sawmill Road
Flagstaff , AZ 86001-5833
Phone: (928)226-5400
Fax: (928)226-5454



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